Saturday, November 26, 2005

Sappy Movies, etc.

I don't take the movies seriously, and anyone who does is in for a headache.
-- Bette Davis

I am about to watch You've Got Mail...again. I have probably seen this movie about 15 times thanks to its heavy rotation on TBS. I don't know why this particular bit of fluff always catches my attention.

It's not the type of movie I'd chose for myself. Generally, I like old movies. In fact, glancing over my video collection, the vast majority of movies I've liked enough to purchase are either black and white or foreign. I love the glamour of those classic movie stars. I want to be Bette, Ingrid, or Katherine when I "grow up." I want to be confident and polished, full of intelligent banter and fire, the proverbial iron fist in a velvet glove.

One attraction for this film might be the vague connections to Pride and Prejudice. I can see how the plot was more or less ripped off from Jane. As we all know, I am a sucker for anything Darcy-ish. (I am, however, highly skeptical about the new P&P film...more on that later, post viewing.)

Every once in a while, maybe everybody just needs a sappy movie. There's lot to be said for a world where true love reigns, where friends are loyal and true, where the happy ending comes despite all obstacles, even if it's a world that only exists within the confines of a Hollywood soundstage. Does life ever work out like the movies?

Sometimes I feel like my life is a low-budget indie film, or God forbid, an episode of a reality-TV show. The Truman Show appealed to me for that reason. Quite often, I feel like everybody else knows the script except for me.

Well, I suppose that's enough of that. I am going to retire to my lovely new couch and drink a glass of sweet tea while soaking up the sappy unreality of this movie.


  1. Well, I like this movie AND Sleepless in Seattle too and, like you, generally don't go in for chick flicks or however one would categorize these. Yet, I like Tom Hanks, ever since Big, and follow him around movie-wise, so there you go.

    I like the old dance movies and used to daydream about Gene Kelly (okay I'm old), but I enjoyed the light feeling I carried with me after watching.

    I'm envious of your new shower head.

  2. I also love Big. It has so much sweetness without being saccharine.

    As for Gene Kelly, I have the collector's edition of Singin' in the Rain. It's my "I-feel-like-crap" movie. I have also daydreamed about him and Fred Astaire. I love them both. :)


And then you said.....