Saturday, March 10, 2007

Long Time Away

It's been a long time since I've had the time or even felt like Blogging. There are a lot of things that fall into that same category. Being a teacher and a student at the same time is harder than I thought it would be. I'm enjoying doing both, but neither leaves very much time for creative endeavours.

Spring Break has finally arrived, and I'm celebrating by watching Ferris Bueler. I haven't seen this movie in years, and I had forgotten how funny it is. It should seem dated being from the great 80s, but somehow, it really doesn't except for a few hairstyles and the soundtrack.

Life in Podunk goes on. I am now on Every Committee Known to Man at school, and we're in the final rush to graduation, testing, and other finalities for 2006-2007. It's odd to think that soon I won't see this batch of students any more. I've known some of them for three years and taught some of them twice. Seeing them go will be emotional, but I'm so proud of most of them.

I am attempting to do some minor yarding this week. I went a little nuts in the Wal-Mart garden department and purchased five pots of lilies, some petunias (one of my favorites), and two roses, one of which is called Irish Creme. Today I bought a concrete St. Francis to put in a bed I'm building. My favorite thing, though, is a big white plastic lawn chair I put under my pecan trees in the side yard. I plan to spend some quality time in it this week with something that's not Hemingway.

I have also been to some of my favorite junkin' places. I found a couple of really gorgeous old hankies, an old yellow McCoy Floraline planter for my lucky bamboo, and a really cool 40's tablecloth with good luck charms all over it. All this was less than $30. How great is that? I plan to spend some time junkin' in a couple of new locations in the next few days.

It will be nice to have a week to decompress. I had reached a point of desperation by Friday. I think everybody at the school had, teacher, student, and admin alike.


  1. Anonymous8:39 PM CDT

    Its good to see you back. I was beginning to wonder a bit.

    I L.O.V.E. junk and antique stores. I am obseesed with the colored aluminum from the 50's and 60's but share your attachment for old linens and funky ceramics like McCoy. I have an odd assortment of old dishes with realistic flowers on them - the Universal Cambridge stuff is my favorite.

    My daffodils are just starting to bloom barely. I am so ready for spring.

  2. Most of my daffodils are at the end of their bloom cycle. We've had a really warm stretch, and everything is lush. I love it. This is the time of year where I can open up the house and cut on my attic fans. It's so nice to have fresh air flowing through the house.

    I am fascinated by the colored aluminum, too, but I am trying not to start collecting it. I have looked at stuff on Ebay several times, but I already have so much going on and my cabinets are full. Someday, I'll probably succumb, though.


And then you said.....