Saturday, April 16, 2005

I Won!

"To be a poet is a condition, not a profession." -- Robert Frost

When my dad and I went down to run and fold our church's bulletin today, he asked me if I'd checked my mail today. That may sound odd, but sometimes I go a couple of days without doing that. Nothing very important ever comes to me except bills. Who needs them on top of a long day?

As we were coming back, he stopped and picked up what was in the box. In the pile was a letter from the people who sponsored the literary contest I entered awhile back (see previous postings). I won first place! I was so happy.

It turns out my mother already knew. A former teacher of mine and colleague of hers was the judge for the competition. The entries were all anonymous, but when she found out who wrote the poem she'd chosen, she called my mom and told her. Mom had been keeping the secret for about a week.

It's an extra layer of happiness to me that this former teacher was the judge. It's actually the second time she's chosen me for a poetry contest, but I bet she doesn't remember the first one. I wrote for and won a "Roses are Red" variation contest in 9th grade. It was my first competition win.

I will go to an awards presentation in a couple of weeks to receive the prize. I had hoped I'd win with one of the three poems I entered, but I'm not sure if I believed it would really happen. It's so encouraging. I'm glad I entered because I started not to do so. I haven't had anyone who could help me refine my work since my undergraduate days, and I was hesitant to put anything out there without some polishing.

I wish I had somebody to help me refine my stuff. My college creative writing professor was so amazing for that. He never pulled punches, and as a result of his classes, I made so much progress as a writer. One of the pieces I wrote for him took first prize at a competition I entered during college.

I've often thought of writing to him with newer stuff, but that's such an imposition and presumption. He is a producing poet himself and has new classes every year to help. I would feel strange about asking him to help me, random student from years ago.

This was a much-needed encouragement. It renews my desire to write again. Not for the prizes. Not for any kind of victory. Rather, because, as the quote at the beginning says, the poetry is a part of who I am, and it's a part I've been keeping locked away since Japan. It's time to open the doors and see what happens.


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM CDT

    In re: "I've often thought of writing to him with newer stuff, but that's such an imposition and presumption. He is a producing poet himself and has new classes every year to help. I would feel strange about asking him to help me, random student from years ago."
    Just write and ask. S/he might say yes, but they can't say much worse than no. Finding someone who can be a mentor for you doesn't happen every day. Take the chance.

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM CDT

    BTW, congratulations. I'm really excieted for you, and I still have hopes for published works from you one day. Also, are you going to put the winning poem up on your blog?

  3. I have often thought of writing him. Maybe I will someday. Right now, I want to try to be productive. I'd also like to find out how people get poems published in things other than those big anthologies that always send letters to high school students wanting them to buy a book and have their poems included. My dream is to produce published works as well. Wouldn't that be crazy? A book of poems by me.

    I won't post the poems on the blog for a variety of reasons. However, I will send you a copy of them via email. I have seen far too many websites built on trite poetry to want to put mine out there in that way. Besides, I could always make you wait for the book. ;)

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM CDT

    I'm sure there are many journals, but maybe you haven't heard of this one. I've only heard of it though, I haven't actually read it.


And then you said.....