Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bad Attitudes

The natives are restless...

We've had a spate of bad behavior at school lately. I don't know if it's a phase of the moon, the bizzare giddiness of Homecoming, or some sort of hellish voodoo, but I do so hope it goes away soon. I have rarely heard more kids whining, backtalking, and generally being savagely uncouth.

I don't know where they get the idea that it's okay to act like that. Who ever told them that they have the right to show disrespect to one another or to their teachers? I get so tired of having to ask for silence and to try to get them to do what they're supposed to be doing, but I'll tell you the truth: the part that bothers me most isn't my kids' classroom behavior. The part that is killing me is the wild insanity and rudeness in the hall.

I am trying very hard not to focus on it because I can only Type-A my little corner of the world. It's just so discouraging and exhausting to fight the same stupid battles every day with people you're trying to help. It's like trying to pull a drowning wolf from a pond while it claws and bites you.

On another front, I still haven't heard back from Monday's blood work. I called today and left a message, so hopefully I'll have an answer tomorrow. I suppose if they haven't called me by now, nothing too bad can be wrong, right?

I had another splitting headache today, and I'm not sure why. It started on the way to school and neither caffiene nor Tylenol could kill it. I finally got rid of it with an accidental fifteen minute nap while I was waiting for my night class to start. If they could just tell me what to do about them to make the pain stop, I could live with everything else.

There's so much more I want to say. There are so many entries that I start composing in my mind that never make it to the screen. I guess I'm back in the school year blogging mode, which is to say slow, slow, slow...

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