Monday, January 01, 2007

The Missing Harness

This evening, Roux showed up at the door to be let in for the evening, and I opened the door for her and Yelldo. I fed them both, and when she came back in the living room afterward, I noticed that her harness was gone. She had no form of identification or restraint at all.

I could swear that she had it on when she came in. How could I have missed the fact that the brightly-striped and jingly harness was not on the big red dog? However, apparently, I saw what I was used to seeing instead of what was really there.

I walked down the road and then back up the pasture in search of it and went over all the yard. No sign of it. I suppose she lost it somewhere in the woods in the hour and a half she was outside without me.

It was just weird. I jokingly half-suspected my mom came down and stole it because she hated the stripes so much. She thinks the only two colors for a dog collar are brown and black. I prefer more colorful options.

Anyway, tomorrow begins the long haul toward the AP test and the end of the school year, so I'm going to put the mystery to the side, watch a little more tv, and get some rest. Maybe the harness will show up again somewhere in the future.

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