Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Too Darn Hot

Now I've got the Cole Porter song going around in circles in my head....

It really is. It's mid-December, and today I think we hit 80 degrees. This is insane! I finally gave up a few moments ago and switched the central unit back to a/c. I'm tired of being hot. The summer was bad enough; it's officially winter, and I want some cold winter.

Now, let's not take this as an invitation to the gods of arctic cold to stride in. I'm just tired of wondering if I should wear sandals and crops to work in December. Where's our Christmas-y weather?


  1. I'm just starting Gre Iles' new one, Third Degree - and thought of you! Have you read it yet? I've been on the library reserve list since Borders alerted me it was a forthcoming book.

    I hope your Christmas weather turns - how I'd love to see snowflakes myself. I wouldn't care one bit if it snowed us in for several days. Generally we can go out in tee shirts and throw frisbees with the dogs.

    Did you see we have a new puppy? I posted a couple pics of the baby. I am busy spoiling her rotten. Today she and she alone went with me in the woods to find the Christmas tree. She very dutifully dragged home one of the small branches I cut off the bottom.

    Merry Christmas to you, Cygnus! I hope your school break is long and sweet.

  2. I know what you mean. I would love to see some snow, but down here, people would go berserk if two flakes fell. We cannot handle snow of any variety. I hope you get some, though. Merry Christmas to you, too. Enjoy your new puppy. Puppies are the best.

  3. BTW, I haven't seen the new Iles. He's one of the few I like enough to pay hardback prices for, so I may splurge over the holidays for a stay-up-late-and-read-all-night treat. Thanks for the tip.


And then you said.....