Sunday, December 02, 2007

Hit or Miss

If you're wondering where I've been, the simple answer is BUSY. Wednesday night I had my six-hour night class, and Thursday night I had my normal night class. I wrote the final for that class, and I still am not quite sure how I did.

There were four prompts total, and they were whoppers. I picked the two I was most comfortable with, and produced two hefty essays in the space of about an hour and fifteen minutes. The medicines kept making my thoughts go kablooey, so I'm hoping that everything was coherent. It's entirely a hit or miss situation. I produced eight full pages for the professor, so it was either a grand slam or a grand mess. I hope I'll know soon.

If I can finish up the last few projects for the other class, I'll be done for this semester. Then, I'll only have one more to go, and I'll be done, done, blessedly done with these night classes. As enjoyable as it's been to expand my mind and understanding, to be a student instead of a teacher again, having to do the coursework on top of teaching responsibilities has been tough. I'm kind of looking forward to being able to come home in the evening with nothing more taxing ahead of me than reruns and laundry.

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And then you said.....