Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Joy of Books

After reading a recent post by AC, I started thinking about a couple of other things, and this post came from it. I'm not blog-plagiarizing, I swear....

I have a friend who is the single father of a precious little three-year-old boy who's just learning to read. This dear sweet man is having the joy of watching the little one discover Dr. Seuss; their current favorite is There's a Wocket in My Pocket, a venerable classic I remember enjoying as a child. Every time I listen to my friend talking about his little boy and their reading adventures, I have to smile both at the pride and wonder in his voice and at my own memories of reading as a child.

So much of who I am now comes from being read to as a child. The love I have of books was given to me by my parents and my grandparents. Every night, my father would read me a story. I have no idea how many times he read me The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (also Dr. Seuss), O See Can You Say, or the story of Joseph from my children's picture Bible, but he never complained. He always tucked me in, sat beside me or in the rocking chair, and read me whatever I brought him.

I always had books. My parents took me to the library during the summers, and I ripped through large stacks of them. I also don't ever remember going into our town's one tiny bookstore and ever coming out without at least one book in hand. I might not have gotten a toy every trip into town, but they never told me no about books. The things that were important were afforded.

I am the person I am today because of that philosophy. My love of language, of literature, of knowledge is a direct product of those bedtime stories, those summer expeditions to the public library, those indulgences in the bookstore. I just can't be grateful enough. I hope my friend will keep reveling in his little one's newfound reading. I hope someday I'll have little ones of my own whom I can read to, buy books for, and take to the library to get their library cards.


  1. I am inspired to have inspired YOU! Thank you for the mention. There is just nothing like a book in one's hands.

    I hope to go through my 18 years of boxes in the barn as soon as it warms up. Out there I have packed away all the children''s books I bought for Jenny plus the ones I bought for myself before she was born PLUS the ones I still have from my youth. I don't know if you still have Weekly Reader in schools, but there was nothing more exciting than the box of orders sitting on the teacher's desk.

    Our little town didn't have a bookstore, just a tiny library. My husband had a book mobile and he says he was the first one every week waiting at its stop with his stack of finished books. Even today, we read together over coffee and cake every single morning at least an hour.

    One of my favorite books as a child has been reissued and if you have not seen it, you should order it. The stories have never been bettered and the illustrations, particularly in the story Donkey Skin, thrill me still. The spine of my childhood copy is worn completely away and I'm thrilled to be able to order a new one. I'm hoping for grandchildren one day to relive the bedtime, anytime, story days.

    The Golden Book of Fairy Tales by Adrienne Segur

  2. I put a link to Adrienne Segur's illustrations in my last post. I think you would like them.


And then you said.....