Saturday, April 02, 2011

Dunn's Falls

The weather was too beautiful to stay indoors today.  Although I left much later than I'd wanted, I finally went to Dunn's Falls to take some pictures. 

I hadn't been there since I was very little.  That's a shame.  It's a very peaceful place.  I need to go back when I have more time to hike the trails some.  There isn't much there except the mill, the trails, and the river, but there doesn't really need to be more than that to be honest. 

The old mill is in very poor repair.  I suppose things like that need a great deal of money to keep them up.  At one point, I think they used to run it and mill grain there periodically.  As I was taking pictures of the various components, I noticed the damage to most of the working structures.  I don't know if it will ever mill again, but it is still lovely for all that.  It's still possible to go in the building and look around.  I got several pictures inside it that I'm fairly pleased with, lots of interesting details to shoot there.

The river is beautiful where it bends at the falls, wide and curving, and with the water cascading down into them from the mill, it's a great spot to take photos.  As usual, I shot much more than I kept, even after editing, but it was nice to wade out into the spring-cool water in my Tevas, feel the sun on my face and arms, and baptize my feet in the water of my native region as I tried to find the right angles on things. The little shelf of limestone where the water comes over the falls is ridiculously pretty, and on either side, all of Mississippi's lush spring blooms were on display, native honeysuckle and dogwood sprinkled through the new green of the woods.  I am more glad than I can say that I waited for spring to go out to take pictures.  

I think I'll go back again with a picnic lunch, a quilt, my Kindle, and much more time.  It should be a good place to find a quiet spot in a bend of the river and listen to the water go by and the wind in the tree tops.  I won't forget it's as close as it is again.  There are too few places of refuge to throw one like this away.

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