Monday, April 09, 2007

A Nice Break

Today is the last day of my Easter break. It has been a nice four days. I needed a rest terribly. Of course, all my good intentions for getting school work done went down the tubes, but I feel much more rested.

Right now, I'm stuck in the class from perdition. I have, so far, done research for the paper I'll write for my other class, checked on my eBay auctions, read and responded to my school mail, and I'm about to write up the mini-report needed for my Wed. night class. It's amazing what can be done in 2.5 hours.

I think my class is the only class still here. Almost everybody else cancelled class tonight like sane, humane people. Only my professor raves (literally) on.

In other news, I'm reading a really good book right now. It's called Gentlemen and Players and it's by Joanne Harris, the author of Chocolat. I stayed up later than I had intended reading it last night, and I'm probably going to hide it behind my laptop screen and read some more in just a minute. (Shameful behavior!!)

Well, I need to finish up some work for Wednesday night. I might come back and do another post as we grind toward the finish line for this week's edition of Purgatory.


  1. Breaks fly by while drudgery drags. Phooey.

    I was tagged recently with a Thinking Blogger Award and have in turn named you as one of 5 writers who makes me think. I do so enjoy reading what you have to say.

    Thanks for another book recommendation!

  2. Thanks so much for saying that I make you think. As a teacher, those words are always nice to hear. A lot of my day is filled with people who don't want to think and don't care what I say.

    I finished Gentlemen and Players, and I have to say, it's one of the best "fun" books I've read lately. I hope you'll check it out.


And then you said.....