Tuesday, November 16, 2010


When did I become the person people lean on?  And, man oh man, but don't they know how dangerous that is?  I mean, I am practically the human equivalent of a Jenga game.  At any given time, my own base of stability may be questionable.  My bottom bricks may have been gently (or not so gently) removed by probing fingers experimenting with "redesign" of this, that, or the other, and my entire being may be trying to cope with the grand balancing act that results from it.  I may be actually wobbling back and forth with each gentle touch of the hand of Fate, waiting for the careless gesture that's going to send all my little building blocks into a tumbled heap needing patient reconstruction.

Maybe this doesn't show.  I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one.  Whichever it is, I do find it to be patently amazing.  I figured I had a big red flashing sign over my head saying "Disaster Area."  Apparently, though, I do not.  I get asked all kinds of questions, told all kinds of secrets.  I have no wisdom to give people.  I'm quiet a lot, or at least I try to be.  Maybe that quiet is deceptive?  Maybe the wisest thing you can do sometimes is just shut up and let people talk?  Maybe that's what you're doing right now?


Um... Yeah....


Didn't my washer just quit?  Better go move that laundry from point A to point B, probably....

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And then you said.....