Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lightning Strikes

I went to the Old Place today to spend some restorative time away.  I checked on the blackberries, but other than one or two earlies which I popped in my mouth and happily devoured, they aren't quite ready yet.  Maybe in about another week, I'll have baskets of delicious juicy fruit, though.  The brambles are full this year.  Last year, I missed them all because of my knee. 

I spent the day reading and driving my parents' new RTV around the pastures.  They were up too working on some things and piddling around.  We finished the day by having dinner together on the porch at Red Field and watching the storm clouds gather.

As I was getting ready to leave, I walked back up the hill to where I'd parked my little car.  I can't drive all the way down to Red Field in the Cruiser because it's too low.  I came through the little path into the upper pasture, and when I looked up, the sky was exploding.

The lightning from a storm that was pounding some distance away, across the ridgetops from where I was, was striking straight down in those photograph-worthy bolts.  I drove my car to the gate and turned the engine off.  I just watched for awhile.  It was remarkable.  Whenever there is a thunderstorm at school, I always feel so exposed and afraid ever since that static charge popped blue sparks off my shelves, but I felt no fear at all tonight, just wonder. 

I wish there had been somebody there to share it with.  That was all it needed to make it utterly perfect.  I sat and marveled for a long time, and then I came on home through the beginnings of light rain.  It's a good memory, even it came from bad weather.

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And then you said.....