Saturday, March 06, 2010

The Heart of Blue

The sky today was the most incredible shade of blue.  Just driving was a pleasure if I could look up into all that azure glory.  I wished for wings or for some improbable fantasy moment where my car left the road and suddenly floated upward.  I felt like I could happily drown in it.  I felt like I could reach up and grab a corner, could wrap it around myself like a warm blanket and sleep safely, suspended in that cloudless sky like some unfathomable resting place above everything.  Every word I know for blue flickered through my mind and felt like silken ribbons trailing through my fingers; there were shades that were cerulean, indigo, sky, true....  I feel moved to composition by that blueness, and maybe I'll post what I produce later if anything comes of it.  In the meantime, the sky now is royal darkening to navy, patiently waiting for the pearl stickpin of the full moon to be laid gently upon it.  What a lovely set of shades remains to be enjoyed.  Even though the sun is down, the heart of blue remains.

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And then you said.....