Saturday, December 22, 2012

Eggnog and Dog Toys

Today, I felt less than wonderful.  I don't know why.  I think perhaps the tiredness from the end of school has finally caught up with me.  Well, to be more precise, I think my body has finally decided it's safe to acknowledge the tiredness.  I have that "teacher constitution" which allows my body to pull off mighty feats of self-deception until it knows I don't have to get up and go.  Then it falls into a heap.

I read part of the morning, half-dozing the whole time, and around lunch, I finally decided to give up and take a nap.  The bed could not have been more inviting if I'd planned it.  The sun was streaming in the windows and making it a perfect paradise.  Roux came and snuggled in next to me, and I was unconscious just like that.

When I got up, I knew Wal-Mart was in my immediate future.  A lack of dog food, me food, and staples like toilet tissue made it necessary.  I girded myself mentally and drove over to Newton in my MSU sweats, setting a new all-time low for my Wal-Marting.  Unless I at some point go in my pajamas (like about half the other people I saw today...and not just kids, either...WTF?), I was as "casual" as I've ever been.  I felt bad about it, too, until I noticed all the other sweats and pjs.  Tis the season, I guess.  As long as I didn't make "People of WalMart," I'm okay.

I picked up all the stuff on my iPhone list (oh, how I love that simple little app), and other things also caught me attention, too.  As I was getting ingredients for Christmas brunch, I grabbed a jug of eggnog from the dairy case.  I love eggnog even though I know it isn't particularly healthy.  It's like a smoothie or a milkshake, thick and cold and wonderful.  It's an integral part of the holidays for me.

I also stopped to look at dog toys when I was getting the 487 types of dog supplies required to keep the pit and the Pyr running.  I found one they can both hold and use to sling each other around the living room, and I put it in the cart, too.  It's their "Chrimma" present.  Yes.  I am one of THOSE people.  I buy Christmas toys for my dogs.  Sue me.

It must also be said that I assembled a set of pajamas for myself from some blue and white flannel pj pants and a Captain America shirt.  It's sad how eager I am to go put on my Captain America pjs.  Ah, well.  The little things, right?

I came home, went through the hated solitary unpacking of the car, and came in to make dinner.  I cooked the steak and baked potato I'd bought during the trip of joy earlier and sat down to watch a movie. I'm going to finish it off with more reading. It's just a simple day-in-the-life, neither good nor bad.

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