Saturday, October 14, 2006

Last Week

After Monday, there really wasn't a lot of time to blog. Monday afternoon, I had an eye exam and was told that at least one thing on my stupid body is working perfectly. 20/20 vision and a perfectly shaped eye. At least I don't need glasses, and my eyes are the cause of my headaches.

Tuesday afternoon, I went back to the doctor for a recheck since my white blood cell count was high. I was running a slight fever, but upon recheck, my white cell count was lower, and he has just about ruled mono out as the source of my ongoing tiredness. Monday, I'll have some more tests run to see if he can locate what's going on. He's talking now about pre-diabetes. Nothing will be certain until the lab work comes back, and he's talking about some other possibilities, too, so right now, I'm trying as hard as I can to reserve judgement.

I stood with a friend at the funeral of his mother this Wednesday. Funerals are never easy affairs; I always feel the grief like a clinging haze. This one was harder than most because my friend was so grief-stricken. I pray for my friend. I
hope he can find a way to move on.

Thursday is actually a blur. I had stayed up late getting already-overdue grades ready to submit the following morning. I remember very little of it except that I was weary, and it was long. I couldn't have been very coherent in class. I had a midterm in a night class I'm taking, and I probably failed it. After I finished the test, I came home and fell down.

Friday went blissfully fast until seventh period. Seventh period, an assortment of sophomores and juniors got stupid, and there was a shouting match in the hall amongst them that had to be dealt with.

There were some really good things last week, too, but mostly it was a grey fog. I'll write about one of the good things later on because I need to remind myself that the good is always there. Right now, though, my whole life's focus is on finding out what in the world is wrong with me, whether it's diabetes or needing a new multivitamin. Maybe I'll get that answer this week.

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And then you said.....