Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Moment of Peace

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus

I'm sitting outside at a table at the university branch here in town. The sun is gilding the poplar leaves, there's a gentle wind soughing in the tops of the still-green live oaks, and even though this place is close to a busy road, there is peaceful birdsong. Only occasionally does the road noise become intrusive.

I needed this moment of peace desperately. I have been in a constant state of furious motion since yesterday at 5:30 a.m. I did my class day, did my class night, went to the grocery store, came home, fell down, got back up, came back to work, set up a buffet table, led a meeting, dealt with the aftermath of that, and am just now having a minute where something isn't demanding my attention. It's divine.

Soon, I will have to get up and go to another meeting, another class, but for just right now, the only sound I have to focus on is that wonderful leaf-rustle of late fall. I will try to wrap this moment around me like a warm blanket against the haste and furor to come.

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And then you said.....