Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I am going through another period of insomnia. I was up night before last watching old movies on TCM until 4:30 a.m. I literally could not go to sleep. Even when I finally lay down, I stared at my ceiling for a long time before my body decided to shut down. I've tried reading, not drinking as much caffeine (Diet MD withdrawal), taking a hot bath, and I'm up to the point of going out to buy some Nyquil capsules if this doesn't stop soon. In the past, NyQuil has lived up to its tagline "so you can rest medicine" several times when these phases of sleeplessness have emerged.

I hate it. My whole routine is off. I can't sleep at night, but I want to take long naps in the afternoon and I'm not getting anything productive done. I still have several projects to complete before August 1, and I just can't seem to get any of them going. I find myself watching Decorating Cents, Design on a Dime, and other HGTV fare while tinkering with the computer instead of tackling the big piles of crap in the back of the house or working on the reading I have to do for the beginning of school.

When I do sleep, I have bizarre and terrible dreams, and lucky me, I can mostly remember them when I wake up. They're the kind of dreams that make you feel uneasy the rest of the day, and also make you wish you could simply erase them for good.
I've tried all kinds of things to give me good, funny movies, favorite books, but I keep winding up down those same dark back alleys of the mind.

I'm going to try one more time to go to bed now. Tomorrow, if I have the kind of night I've been having, I will be headed to a pharmacy for the blue and green box and a good night's rest.


  1. Must be moon spots because I can't sleep either. I manage an hour or two and then I'm done. I've tried tv, the computer (but then I have a headache the next day as well) wandering around, sitting on the porch listening to night sounds. I'm really tired all day and figure each night's the night I'll HAVE to catch up, but so far, no go.

    I am completely bummed out by it.

    Last night I did watch several episodes of Top Chef which was better than the previous nights reruns of CSI which I like but have seen too many times. I haven't seen the Destination Truth episodes - but I'm sure I will be up and needing entertainment.

    What is this phase? I was thinking its menopause looming for me, the daughter not quite steady on her feet yet after graduation, general life anxieties of the 50+ year old. But you are Young! So I go back to Moon Spots or Crop Circles (one of which was discovered near here recently)

  2. I don't know what's going on. It needs to end soon, though. Maybe it is moon spots. If the moon were full, I could understand it. I don't sleep well during the full moon phase for some reason. This, though, has been going on a ridiculously long time.

    Tell me about your crop circle! That's really neat.


And then you said.....