Monday, June 08, 2009

Geek Flags Flying

I've been tweeting tonight with some of my twitter friends about the joys of "geekery." The prompt for this was the fact that on a Monday night, I was trying to decide between watching Sci-Fi's Star Trek: TNG marathon or the new box set of vintage Dr. Who I just got from amazon. It struck me as funny that all my viewing choices (or the only ones I was interested in, anyway) were those that would settle that Geek Queen crown more firmly on my head.

You know what? The heck with it. I'm a geek. I claim it. I even have little black stud earrings with the word "geek" on them in tiny green letters. I like computers, Twitter, Star Wars and Dr. Who. I know who Elric, Harry Dresden, and Gandalf are. Somewhere, in the back of my house, are a bag of polyhedron dice, a box holding my painted Warhammer 40K army, and several books related to various and sundry RPGs I played "back in the day." I have electronics named after deities from the Norse and Egyptian pantheon, epithets I gave because the gods and the tools matched up. I use words like "epithet" in blogs. I could go on, but I think this is probably enough evidence to convict in a court of law....

The thing about geekery is that it's a whole lot of fun, but it makes you mostly unmarriable. I love the things I'm interested in, the things I read, the friends I have. I enjoy "flying that geek flag." I just know that being this way has ensured that I'm going to live the rest of my days single. It's a real pain.

I have this fantasy guy in mind. He's intelligent, he's tall, he's funny, and most of all, he's as big a geek as me. We go do geek stuff together. He's even willing to load up and go to things like the Elvis Festival for the sheer geeky goodness that can be had. We go to the movies, enjoy the good ones, and MST3K the bad ones together (he knows what that is because he's a geek like me). He has odd collections, and he doesn't mind the fact that I have PEZ all over the walls of my office. He does, in fact, find this charming and not odd. Above all, he's not threatened by the fact that I'm independent and capable since he is, too. In my most secret fantasies, his computer gear is better than mine, and he's willing to share. Mmm.....

Okay, so I'm hamming it up just a bit. It just seems sometimes that the things I like are so different for some reason than the interests of most of the people I know. Maybe they're all secret geeks, too. Wouldn't that be funny? Of course, I guess they might be something worse.... I'm just going to keep on with what works for me, even if that means it's just me. As my friend C always used to say, "I gotta be me." That's all I know how to do.

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And then you said.....