Friday, October 02, 2009

Conflicting Desires

I need be writing. I have a work waiting to be finished and people who are waiting to read it.

There is a full moon outside, though, an October moon, and I want to be dancing, playing, throwing all my obligations to the stars above, letting them fall wherever they will on the dewy grass.

If you were to come and find my hidden house tonight, you would be able to hear the stereo long before you actually saw the building. It's one of those nights. I'm cranking through a new playlist on iTunes called "Bouncy." I think that pretty much says all that needs to be said. God bless the Brothers Gibb and all the derivations that the iTunes Genius and my own machinations can make from them.

Maybe reading is what I need to do. I've got a good new book. I can go sit in my library in the moonlight by the open window and watch the deer play in the pasture and read with the stereo going in the living room. This, of course, is the very lovely thing about living out in the middle of nowhere; you can play your music as loud as you like and nobody will call the cops....

As for the will get done. Just not tonight. I have no taste for it just now, and if I do it now, all will end badly. Better to wait instead of do it when I don't want to. Those who are waiting can just think of it as a patience-building exercise, I guess.

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