Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Postman Always Rings Twice

There's no thief like a bad movie. ~Sam Ewing

I'm watching the noir classic The Postman Always Rings Twice. I have never seen all of it because the only time I tried to watch it on TCM, my satellite dish was still in its old location and a heavy rainstorm came in causing my reception to disappear right at the end. In my foraging in Sam's yesterday, I found a four movie collection with The Maltese Falcon, Dial M for Murder, The Big Sleep, and this in it.

TCM has been putting these collections out periodically for awhile now, and this is the second one like it I've bought. I LOVE them. The other one has Philadelphia Story and Bringing Up Baby as two of the four movies on it. How great is that? They are so affordable. For what one movie usually costs on DVD, I can get four, and all four are always gold-standard films. I guess they're not "new theatrical releases," but really, who cares about that? Give me Bogart and Bacall or Hepburn and Tracey any day of the week over Saw VI. Really.

This time the weather won't stop me from seeing the end. I understand that it's a real doozy. When I'm done, I may put in Philadelphia Story. I haven't watched it in a while, and just talking about it makes me want to see it again. It's a good night for a mini-movie festival in the old living room.

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And then you said.....