Saturday, February 05, 2011


This morning, for the first time in more than a week, I feel good.  Really, really good. 

I still have on one of my favorite pair of snuggly flannel pajamas and am buried under a warm fuzzy red blanket on the couch.  Pearl, my big grey cat, is curled up on the back of the couch half-asleep.  TopGear is on TV, and the weather outside is cold and uninviting but the sun is trying to peek out. 

Unintentionally, I slept 12 hours last night.  I sort of dozed off watching TV sometime after nine and woke up about two, went to bed properly and slept until nine again.  I think I woke up around 5:45, just my mind checking to see if it was a school day, but I dozed back off.  Apparently, a feast of sleep is what my body needed. 

I suppose, too, it could have been the good meal I had last night, nothing microwaved or fast food.  Or the chocolate.  I got a box of Belgian chocolate at Tuesday Morning when I was there buying a suitcase yesterday, and it may be the best chocolate I've ever had.  I don't know why this particular batch is so good, but I had some last night, and it made me very happy. 

In a little while, I will get up, take a long hot shower, put on my favorite worn pair of jeans, a tshirt that makes me laugh, some Chucks, eat a chicken salad sandwich, grab my camera, and go junkin.   Or maybe I'll brave the crowds at Wal-Mart to get supplies.  Even that doesn't seem onerous today.

I know these little luxuries don't rate very high on anybody else's list, but they sure are going a long way toward making me feel good just now.

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And then you said.....