Monday, February 14, 2005

The Flu and The Birthday

"Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway." -- Unknown

Two different kinds of flu have been going around school, and have managed to wipe out about half our students. I caught one strand of it myself last Wednesday, and it knocked me down for four days. I'm only just now beginning to get back on my feet again.

I haven't been sick like this since I had some kind of whacked out Asian flu in Japan. I came home from school when classes let out on Wednesday, and I'm kind of amazed and frightened to say that I have no recollection of the drive home except that I remember yelling along the way because the fever was making my legs ache so badly. Hmmm....hand of God, anyone? The next two days passed in the same sort of hazy, medicated and unconscious manner. I got a lot of good sleep, and my cats were thrilled beyond belief to have an overheated and totally supine presence in the bed twenty-four-seven.

I managed to come around for my birthday on Sunday. It wasn't bad. This is the first one in quite a long time that hasn't been total crap. I'm hoping this is the start of a new trend...sickness ends...birthday doesn't suck.... good things ahead.

Some of my friends in a class I teach brought me a huge birthday cake on Sunday. It was so sweet and unexpected. I was able to share it with several other people at the church, and it was really nice.

The weather today was so great and springy. I was able to open the windows of my room to let some of the contagion out. As I was driving home, I realized how comfortable I was with the world in general. Even though I am still rundown from the flu, for the first time in a long time, I felt good about being who I am and doing what I'm doing where I'm doing it. I don't know if my birthday gift from God was the wisdom to be at peace in my own skin AT LAST, or if this is just a sickness-induced lull, but I'm looking forward to the year ahead.

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And then you said.....