Friday, October 19, 2007

Living with Topamax Part I

I say part one because I foresee this being a running series....

When the alarm went off this morning, I almost could not even drag myself out of bed. My body refused. It simply refused. I managed to crawl across the bed to the phone and called Mom to check that she was up and let her know that I was, our morning ritual, but as soon as I hung up the phone, my eyelids slammed shut again.

I finally made it in to the shower, but the overwhelming sense of exhaustion remained even after the hot water started to flow. Toweling off, I was tired. Brushing my teeth, I was tired. Getting dressed, I was tired. Driving to work, I was probably a danger to myself and others as I fought to stay awake.

There's no reason other than the Topamax for this. I was up til 11 last night, but that can't explain the way I felt. That also can't explain what came later.

Around 10:00, my brain just quit for the day. It packed up its workbag, flipped off the light switch, and went home for a long weekend. Unfortunately, I had to flail around and try to cope with teaching without it. My students were kind, but I hate having to even ask them to be kind because I am weak. Let me tell you now, there's nothing quite as disquieting as having your mental facilities cut in half and knowing it. I felt like everything I was trying to do was being done underwater in a strong current. Words and names for things went missing, a symptom I have whenever I have a really bad headache.

My doctor warned me that I might have the tiredness and some of the same types of processing issues that the migraines themselves bring as my brain chemically adjusts to the Topamax, but my LORD, I am only taking the lowest dose right now. If it's going to get worse in a few days when I step it up to the next dosage, somebody is going to have to nursemaid me to keep me from walking into traffic and forgetting where I live. I hope I adjust soon...


  1. I found your blog because I was seeing who else had The Burbs as one of their favorite movies. Interestingly enough, I saw your post about Topamax. My husband had a terrible experience while on Topamax. After being on Topamaz (for migraines) for a week, he lost vision and had a severe headache. We went to the emergency room at 4 am. After two spinal taps, an MRI, a CAT scan, blood tests, etc., he met with the opthemologist. He determined that my husband had a case of acute narrow angle glaucoma. Docs didn't know if his vision would ever return. This was one of the worst days ever and I believe March 30, 2007 is scarred in my brain. Please research this drug and be absolutely certain it is right for you. It seems that things happen for a reason. It is odd that I stumbled upon your log when you have just posted about Topamax.

  2. Happy Cathy,

    Thanks for your concern. I have been doing extensive research online about Topamax, and I also have been talking with people who have been/are taking it now. It seems to be a really "mixed bag". It works wonders for some; others can't ever stand the side effects. Your story is the first I've heard that is this drastic. I appreciate your sharing it with me, and I'll certainly be careful as I go forward in this process.

    On a less serious note, yeah, don't you love The Burbs? I bought it on DVD the other day out of a bargain bin.


And then you said.....