Thursday, September 14, 2006


Today was a long day. Classes were good; we finished up Beowulf today in my regular classes. My kids were mostly engaged. Some of them even like the story. I love it, so that made me happy. I think some of the others liked it, too, but were too "cool" to admit it.

The long part came during 7th period. It's incredibly loud on our hall during seventh period. The noise is disturbing because it always sounds like a fight is about to break out. It makes me very nervous, and I want to either call security or just go scream, "SHUT UP!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SHUT UP!!!" The situation is increasingly uncomfortable for me.

From 7th period forward, my room was full of students. I have so many who come in to do work, makeup work, or get help. It's kind of nice. I like that the students are concerned enough to come in. It's such a change from last year and tenth graders.

I tutored after school, and I didn't get a chance to get a snack. That made my blood sugar drop, and when I finally left school at 4:20, I was sick. Fortunately, Dad called, and we ate dinner. It was nice to sit and talk. Now, I'm watching a little TV (yes, the delightful Mr. D'Onofrio is on), and later on, I have big, big plans that involve a long hot shower, my bed, and a book I don't have to read for school. Maybe if I sleep enough tonight, I'll be able to get some energy for the big pep rally tomorrow.


  1. What you want to scream, I often want to scream too.

    What is going on that is so noisy then?

  2. We have new faculty with different teaching strategies, some of whom refuse to close their classroom doors. That's about all I can say about that.


And then you said.....