Monday, September 11, 2006


Today I got a packet of information from one of the mysterious office fairies about Fulbright's Teacher Exchange program. As soon as I read the flyer, I felt my toes curl and that electric zing that the thought of travel, especially long-term travel, brings to me. To spend a year teaching and living in another country AND to be on paid leave from my job here is just too good to be true.

I ran down the list of countries and places, and there were so many places on the list that I want to go. The one that looks most attractive is the six month stint in the UK. I would have a chance to explore WITHOUT a ravening horde of teenagers trailing me. It would be paradise.

There are still lots of questions about the program, and I have to give it some serious thought before I even decide that I'll apply. Once I apply, I know my chances aren't very good to be selected out of the thousands of applicants. I might still decide to throw my hat in the ring. My feet have been itchy lately, and something like this might be a cure for it.


  1. I have 3 words for you.


  2. I am thinking about it. It's something I've always wanted to do, but I don't know that next year is the right year, especially since I think my passport has expired, and I'll never be able to get another one to me before the application deadline.

    Thanks for the encouragement, though. One day, I will do it. It might be tomorrow; it might be next year.


And then you said.....