Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Birthday Surprise

I had the nicest surprise today. My fourth period class brought me cupcakes, dill pickle chips, and PEZ. One of my coworkers gave me a funny card. It was nice to be noticed.

Most of my birthdays are terrible, but this one is looking better than most. In addition to that little lift, I also got news that one of my best friends who has been "expecting" for what I'm sure seems to her like forever had her baby this morning early. I know it's weird, but I think it's neat that her baby and I will have the same birthday. If she's lucky, the little one won't grow up to be anything like me. :)


  1. Happy Birthday! I notice you omitted the number. I am twice your age so I will think you forever young.

  2. Happy Birthday! I notice you left out the number. Since I am probably twice your age, I think you should tell it.

  3. Thanks for the well-wishes. I am 31. I claim all my years. :)

  4. Sorry about the double post, I thought Blogger dissed me the first time. Hey, I'm NOT twice you.


And then you said.....