Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Yesterday, there was a memo from October in my mailbox with passages highlighted that concerned regulations against teachers wearing jeans at school.

I was so hacked off. It must be admitted that I am occasionally guilty of wearing a really dark blue pair of jeans with my high school sweatshirt because I can't seem to find any navy pants when I need them. However, I also live, sweat, bleed, and die my job, so I don't think that one dark blue pair of jeans is a heinous sin.

I gave the sheet to my department head who took it to my principal, and guess what? It didn't come from the administration at all. Hmm..... curious....

Apparently, we have someone childish and silly on the hall. Joy-O. It's not enough that I deal with teenagers everyday; now one of my co-workers has devolved into one, too.

I have a pretty good idea who's responsible, and now I can just laugh at it. It's not going to affect me. I have too much to do to play juvenile games, but I have to say, it made yesterday really bizarre. As long as my administrators are happy with what I do, petty children in adult bodies can find anatomically improbable places to put such little missives.


  1. Anonymous11:21 PM CDT

    I definitely sympathize with you on this one, as I experience, on a regular basis, the same sort of ridiculous upheaval over such a arbitrary thing as clothing style. It's as if the very things you would expect to matter the least always seem to upset people the most. My public highschool requires that i wear a certain color and style shirt and pants and belt and jacket or else am (eventually forcibly) removed from campus! Suddenly kids' education is less important than kids' apparel; i can think of nothing more shallow. Suddenly the "public" in "public school" includes only those who are willing to adapt their physical appearance to the liking of some rule-worshipping, power-tripping, clique of angry, middle aged "administrators."
    It's encouraging to know that someone else gos through this kind of thing too... but at the same time, it depressed me to read in your blog that even a perfectly compitent, intelligent, accomplished adult like yourself experiences something as utterly degrading as a dress-code.

  2. I've found that life gets really stupid sometimes. I am just chalking this up to that unfortunate truth. I admit that I really shouldn't have been wearing the jeans, and I've been trying to do better with that, but at the same time, I can't believe a grown person would stoop so low as to put an anonymous memo in my box when it's none of their business at all....


And then you said.....