Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I started this morning at school for a brief conference with TPTB. That done, I went to check my mailbox in hopes that the third license had actually made it through the magic barrier and arrived, finally putting my contract-less-ness to an end. No such luck. This, if you're keeping score, was not the first license requested by regular mail, nor the second requested by a combination of phone and email. This was number three, requested by me in person at our lovely State Dept. of Ed. last Thursday.

Since I was going to Jackson for some pre-school shopping anyway, I just swung by the State Dept. again. They swore they'd sent the third one out Thursday, and I don't know of any reason why they'd lie. In fact, the same woman I talked to Thursday came out and was very agitated about the fact that she'd personally printed it, put it in an envelope and placed it in the mail outbox. They agreed to mail NUMBER FOUR, I confirmed all sorts of addresses, signed a new form, and left.

I had to pick up something for our school in another office, but as I was walking back to the car with Mom (who was along for the shopping), the lady from Licensure came running after us waving an envelope. The wonderful people just finally printed one and put it in my hands. I almost cried in relief. Finally, it's over.

I still don't know where the heck all those other copies are. Whatever paperwork gremlin has been eating them won't get this one, though. I can sign my contract and get over the hurdle I've been stuck straddling for so long now. YEAH!!!!

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And then you said.....