Saturday, January 17, 2009

Playing on Twitter

I love Twitter. I love the concept of people flinging bits and pieces of their lives, everyday trivia and important things, too, into space. I love the concept of people reading these pieces and enjoying them, like picking up shiny copper pennies from the dark sidewalks of cyberspace.

I love the fact that there are people on Twitter who pretend to be Darth Vader, celebrities, politicians, and other fictional entities, that everyone knows that it's fake, and that we all follow them anyway to see what they're going to say. (I personally LOVE Darth Vader's posts.) I love that yesterday was 70's day and everyone changed his/her photo to something appropriate (alas, I missed it because I didn't tune in until too late to get that put together).

It's just fun and fascinating. I don't get on it every day, but when I do, there is always something interesting out there, some bit of someone waiting to be appreciated. It's a lovely idea someone had.

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And then you said.....