Monday, January 21, 2013

All the Etsy Things

It struck me today as I was sitting on a steel-pad table by a rural creek just how many thing I use constantly and really love have come from Etsy.  There were the red case for my Kindle and the red strap on my Nikon, both made by Couch Straps from deadstock automotive vinyl.  There was the small sandwich wrap by Yulco I use so I don't have to put a PB&J in a sandwich bag and wastefully throw the bag away after.  There was the red martingale collar from Mod Dog around Chewie's snow-white throat, allowing him comfort and me control if needed.  Even the tiny silver studs with their kanji symbols for peace and luck on them I was wearing in my second set of piercings had come from someone there, Cherry Creek Jewelry.

I know Etsy receives criticism.  Maybe some of it comes rightly.  I haven't researched stuff enough to know.  I just know that since I started shopping there, I have access to things I love.  I like my stuff to be either a) old or b) classic/unique and always c) well-made.  Etsy shops, the ones I frequent, anyway, meet all those requirements.  There are all these incredibly talented people out there who make exactly the right thing when I'm looking for it, something my style, my size, my philosophy, and without this site, I'd never know about it.

My tastes are not what could be called "common" for this area.  While we have some mightily awesome junktiques that I adore, finding makers for the type of art and the style of personal items such as phone cases, jewelry, etc. I want is problematic unless I go to a larger place.  The beauty of Etsy is that I don't have to go anywhere.  It comes to me.

Even as my tastes and little manias change, Etsy remains able to satisfy them.  If I'm on a "kick" with a particular topic, set of characters, or item, I can find things on Etsy that fulfill that desire reasonably.  I can also find new interests, even new project ideas for myself, by looking there.

The last thing about using Etsy that I appreciate is the general friendliness of the craftspeople.  I've never run into anyone there who wasn't willing to adapt or create a custom order.  I have ordered from some of them several times, and they actually remember that I was a customer.  It's nice.  I also like the fact that so many shops offer discounts to repeat buyers.  In a world where often you go into a shop and are made by lack of service or outright rudeness of the staff to feel that you're doing them a disservice by spending your money there, being acknowledged and appreciated is a fairly novel change.

I've also almost never run across anyone there whose quality wasn't even more than advertised.  I have some pieces, including my long-desired and much-loved green Leonard messenger bag from New Duds, that I know I will have for a very long time.  I will probably wear out before it does.  In a world of use-and-toss or buy-knowing-you'll-have-to-buy-again-soon, it's refreshing to see durability and quality accompanying beauty.

I didn't mean for this to become an Etsy hymn, but really, I don't mind that it did.  I get far too much enjoyment from the site not to have said something good of it.  While not everyone may agree with me about its virtues, for me, it is the perfect "shop."

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And then you said.....