Monday, October 07, 2013

The Day That Was Instead

Today was supposed to be the day I had both procedures.  If you have been paying attention, you know that got screwed up. Instead of hospital gowns and invasive procedures, I had a different day.

I slept fairly late and took the dogs outside for their morning walk still wearing my pajamas.  The air was incredible.  Fall is here, at least for a few days, and it was chilly enough that I was wishing for a jacket or my flannel pj bottoms.

I came in, started some laundry, took a long hot shower, opened up all the windows, turned on the attic fan, and sat down with some of the Krispy Kremes my wonderful Mom got me the other day.  I spent the day lazing around, tinkering with bits of things online and watching TV.  There were lime popsicles and Shin Ramyun for lunch.

It was wonderful.

The dogs are thrilled.  Roux has been stuck to me all day, and Chewie and Yelldo have been out and around playing in the cool air and sunshine.  I was able to put clothes out on the line.  It's hard to believe that only yesterday there was rain.

I am currently avoiding sleep because I don't want to fight the dreams.  TopGear is working admirably for this.  Tomorrow will be full of meetings and work.   I'm glad to have had this brief moment.  Maybe it can take me through to the day that will be.

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And then you said.....