Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Sky and Its Stars....

"The sky and its stars make music in you."  ~ Denderah Temple wall inscription, Egypt

This may be one of the most beautiful quotes I have ever seen.  Just thinking about it makes me think of sitting in the middle of the night-dark pasture and staring up into the blue-black sky and all the tiny lights there.  There is that feeling that swells in the chest, as if my heart were unfurling wings that were too large for the space, and I always breathe a little too deeply, can't pull in enough air.  Since I was a child, I have wished that I could fly up into that sky and feel what owls must feel as they race along those empty spaces, wished I could rise up and up until the dome of Heaven was there like a velvet curtain before me and I could see the sleeping world below.

Even when I'm driving at night, the sliver of the sky through the windshield fills me with the same peace.  Sometimes, when I am so restless that there is no other way to be calm, I go out driving late at night, listening to whatever is on the radio but hearing only the silent songs of the stars until whatever has been pricking me with its sharp little claws lets go and I can be peaceful again.

Maybe later this week, I'll go up to our place in the country and let the day fade to night, let the sun slide behind the treeline and wait for the stars to flicker into their accustomed places in the darkening blue background.  I haven't taken the time to hear the symphony in awhile, and this quote has stirred a yearning in me.  There is no better place I know to let them weave their spell than in that silent place where only counterpoint will be the wind in the trees and the sound of tall grasses rustling.

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And then you said.....