Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sick Again

The creeping crud has crept up on me and caught me unawares. Yesterday, I started to cough a little and it hurt. Today, I feel as though a truck has backed over me and I'm running a fever. Joy.

When am I ever going to get any immunity? I know that all the kids and most of the teachers have been hacking and sniffing for awhile now, but it seems like every time I turn around I'm sick. Shouldn't I be building up some tolerance by now? This is almost the end of the second year.

I already called in and asked for a sub since I'm running fever. No point in my spreading it further. I'll go see the doctor tomorrow, get a hip full of decadron and some antibiotics that hopefully won't make me ill, and go back to school on Tuesday. Life goes on.

On a separate subject, I am looking at just about the cutest thing in the world. My pit bull has commandeered one end of my couch and my little golden beagle/dachshund has taken the other. They are both knocked out. The pit bull snores. :) That is what happiness is for me right now, a couch full of warm, content, snoring dogs.

I'm about to go join them. I slept about 14 hours today, but I'm still exhausted. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better.


  1. I sure hope you are better by now.

    Yesterday I took my car to get a new "cadillac convertable-oror" (that's what he called it, really) and while I was waiting I heard the constant wailing of a puppy, so sad and insistent, that I went in and asked what was up with the crying. Turns out one of the mechanics had a new boxer puppy who still missed his mommy. He brought him out of the back office and I was absolutely struck dumb with his adorableness! He was so little! So wiggly! So snuffly! Now I've got puppy fever BAD.

  2. Hope you feel better. I had it, not much fun. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, the fever will dehydrate you quickly. The fatigue will probably last a few days after the fever subsides.
    Have a good day and good luck.


  3. To AC,
    I am familiar with puppy fever. Currently, I'm getting the proper dosage of antidote. I took a nap with my pit bull this afternoon. She is an incredible bed hog, it turns out. :)

  4. To Chris,
    Thanks for the kind words. This stuff is about to do me in. It doesn't seem to be getting any better. I am probably going to go to the doctor again tomorrow. It's really discouraging. :( It's good to know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel, eventually.


And then you said.....