Thursday, July 16, 2009


And, yes, I know that most people won't care, but it's a big deal to me. If you're looking for earth-shattering philosophy or words of divine inspiration, you've been in the wrong place for quite some time now....

Today, my therapist added yet another new motion to my recovery: the lunge. This was the first time I've made this motion since I did my last yoga class back in February. The lunge is a critical motion for me. It gave me endless problems in fencing, not being able to reach full fluid extension and recovery without having a hitch in my movement. It is also part of several very common and wonderful-feeling yoga poses. I have to admit I was nervous. Those last few yoga classes if I did any sort of lunges, particularly the Warrior poses, my knee would lock or weaken despite all my best efforts to control it. I can still remember the burn and the pain, that disgusting clicking feeling inside. It was one of the main indicators that told me I had some serious problem going this time.

When the PT told me that I was going to be lunging, I was afraid it would fold under me even though I knew it shouldn't. What a wonderful feeling when it bent strong and steady and pushed back firm and trustworthy! Although it is still sore when it's the off-leg, I now have real confidence that I'm going to be able to do yoga again. It's the difference between being told you can do something and then actually having it proven through doing it yourself.

The PT pushed me hard today. More new exercises were added, my weights on all the machines were increased, and I upped my reps on some things. This added to the lunges left my knee tired and tingling when I left the gym. It was all worth it. I left with a smile and private laughter in my heart. I am really, truly, actually going to make it back from this after all.

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And then you said.....