Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rain and Tired

I feel ick today. I woke up feeling bad, and I almost didn't go to therapy. Perseverance won out, though, and I dragged myself in. It took longer than usual today because she added new exercises. Since I was feeling so nasty, I don't think I did as well as usual. Everything was so hard today. I could hardly do all my reps. I left feeling drained and weak.

I came home, ate whatever I pulled out of the freezer first, and fell asleep on the couch for a couple of hours by accident. When I woke up, I still felt horrible and was stiff from sleeping on the couch to boot, so I got up and went to the sunroom to sleep more comfortably. Yoda apparently wasn't feeling well herself today because she came and curled up next to me, something the Empress of Cats never deigns to do, and we slept the day away.

Rain fell, I woke up sporadically, and dozed back off, and finally got up in time to feed all the animals and myself again. I've been up a few hours now after watching a movie, and I was hoping that I was cycling out of the nastiness, but now I think I'm going to turn in for the rest of the night. A migraine seems to be brewing, and maybe if I sleep it won't strike. I hate feeling like this. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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And then you said.....