Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Finally, DSL

I was in the middle of a meeting today when my iPhone went off in my pocket.  I checked it and was delighted to find that it was the one AT&T lineman with sense.  He actually came out a day early to do the repair on the house.  He's nice.  In fact, right now, he's my hero.  I may bake him a cake.  He got the jack fixed and the DSL restored, so I am typing this from the comfort of my usual perch on the couch instead of an uncomfortable chair in the back corner of the local bookstore where I've had to fight off others for access to a power outlet.  It can't tell you how nice it is.

I'm a hopeless technophile. I might even be a tech junkie.  I'm not going to worry about it too much, though.  At least not until the next time everything goes kablooey.

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And then you said.....