Monday, April 04, 2011

Rain and Eggplant

I had a D-A-Y today.  The natives were growing restless, what with spring and testing and all.  It is not to be talked of. 

After school I took my taxes out to the lady who does mine.  She's in the town where I went to high school, and just driving out there is an experience.  So much has changed.  When I went to that school, it was a small country school, very good, but not very big.  Most of the families who were there had been there for generations.  It was truly a community school.  Now, there are subdivisions everywhere and mammoth houses where people have moved in from everywhere.  It makes me feel strange, a little like somebody came in and took something that was mine when I wasn't looking.  I know that's not logical, especially since it's not mine anymore in any part, but still....

I came back to town and decided not to have a Sonic burger for supper.  Instead, I went to an Italian restaurant to have something more substantial.  Eggplant Parmesan is one of my favorite dishes, and I took the time to read over it and enjoy it slowly.  It was a nice change over eating a jalapeno burger in the car, even if the burger would have come with a banana shake.

I hope tomorrow will  be better.  Today I feel as if I was a bear in a cage who was being poked at from all sides.  I'm going to put my paws over my eyes and pretend there's nothing there and hope that they all leave me alone for a little while.

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And then you said.....