Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Five Questions to Which I Expect No Answers

This is another one of my silly list posts. Here are five things I'd like to ask various people. Keep in mind that some of these people are no longer living:

1) To the assembled Congress: When are you really going to get serious about education and do something other than make unenforceable and useless policies and regulations/kill trees for paperwork?

2) To Jane Austen: Were you satisfied with making the choice to live the life of the mind and the pen instead of settling for a man who may have been good but didn't move your soul? Did you regret not following the expected paths?

3) To my former friend Alexa: Why?

4) To Vincent D'Onofrio: How is it possible to become all the diverse characters that you play? From where to you pull them? How much of them is in you and do they leave any traces when you're done with them?

5) To those willing to kill in the name of their religion: Do you really believe that a loving God calls for you to slay his children and creations? How do you reconcile that?

Just random musings from somebody who should probably go on to bed.


  1. Anonymous10:50 PM CDT

    The only way anything serious will get done is to get rid of teacher's unions or just disband the federal Education Department. It is funny that Karl Marx advocated public education in his book.

  2. I think public education is one of the greatest things America has ever done, but right now, I don't think the people in charge of it have any concept of what an average teacher's day is like.

    It seems to me that most of the "experts" haven't been in a classroom in YEARS, if ever, and all the theory in the world can't prepare you for the actuality of trying to educate and, to use a regionalism, "taking to raise" these kids.

    As for the US Dept of Ed, for all the use they have, they might as well be disbanded. I can't really see that they do much that's valuable. Worse than them, though, is what we have at the state level...

    BTW, good to see you here, Treeboy.

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM CDT

    The jury is still out between me and public education. I remember a time when they grouped to higher ranking students together in a class, and I tend to agree with that idea. Don't even get me started on the State government. I had my fill of it through the Forestry Comission. They have absolutely wrecked that group. btw, We enjoy reading your thoughts (or would that be mind).

  4. We have the classic Southern state government. As long as you expect nothing from them, you won't be disappointed. Actually, we've deteriorated past that point, I think....

    As for reading my mind, let's just say you don't want to wade too far out into that particular pool. :)


And then you said.....