Saturday, June 17, 2006

Things I'm Not

I'm having an odd moment, and this is what's come of it. So often, we try to define ourselves by what we are. This doesn't really come up to the standard of self-defining, but I was thinking about some odd things in my sleep-deprived state and, thus, the list was born:

I am not:

- patient (although I really do try)
- wise (although I want to be)
- short
- a person who suffers fools gladly
- good at math
- riddled with existential angst
- afraid to ask questions about anything
- athletic
- able to sleep right now
- in Japan, Thailand, Costa Rica, Ireland, or England (but, Lord, I wish I was)
- a good eBay seller, apparently, although I tried
- tolerant of my own weaknesses
- going to go raid the fridge, despite the knowledge that cheese awaits me
- an organist who practices enough
- ever going to meet the wonderful Vincent D'Onofrio
- filled with regret
- sure about where I'll be in five years
- always good and/or kind
- knocking myself, but rather, I'm being brutally honest
- fencing right now, but I soon will be (Yippee!!)
- designed to teach little kids
- going to tolerate being backed into a corner
- easily impressed or intimidated
- usually at a loss to express my opinions
- always careful enough to express my value of the opinions of others
- ever going to be tired of Roux hugging me when I come home
- ever going to be chic or ultra-stylish
- unhappy with who I am
- having any luck with eHarmony
- rich enough to afford a full set of Fire King Restaurant Ware plates
- in contact with my friends enough
- eating fried chicken or green curry
- going to bore you with any more of these random things

Goodnight, one and all.

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And then you said.....