Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Summer Evenings

Tonight is one of those most wonderful of summer evenings in the South. The humidity has abated this week. I don't know what meteorological fluke is responsible for this, but I'm grateful. It's cool enough to enjoy working outdoors and to have the windows and attic fan on in the evenings. The sun stays out until past 8:00, and those final wonderful lingering hours of sunlight are the golden part of summer. I wish I could catch that light in a jar and carry it around with me always.

There's a softness to Southern summer nights like this that I've never found anywhere else. The air always smells of fresh-cut grass, late-blooming honeysuckle, or gardenias. Right now, the sweetness of it is rushing in through my windows replacing the stale, recycled air that has been trapped in for so long when the A/C is running. The flow of it and the fragrances make me feel centered and, for lack of a better description, home.

Nights like this always bring out the urge to go walking in the woods. I wish I had a good walking path cleared out that I could use when the world turns velvety like this. Katrina felled huge trees onto the only good path on my property, and we've not cleared them, so I suppose that urge will have to be suppressed. It's probably just as well. Snakes and other critters are bound to be enjoying this gentle summer, too.

I'll probably be up much too late tonight with a good book (Greg Iles may become a favorite author if this book continues to be this good), my two crazy dogs, and the soft comfort of Mississippi wrapped around me like the coolness of a clean white cotton feed sack quilt.


  1. We've had a cool snap, mornings at about 50 and highs at 70-72. East Tennessee heaven.

    I know exactly what you mean about the scent and feel of early summer. The mix of perfumes from honeysuckle and blackberry and wild rose is memorable from year to year. There are certain places on the property where the scent seems to linger and somehow it smells like a grape pixie stick from my childhood.

    About collecting colored aluminum. I'll have to say, I am a little crazy about it. My best friend inherited her grandma's set of multi-colored dessert dishes and a few glasses and I unearthed MY grandma's pitcher and tumbler set. It was like we looked at each other, nodded and set off on a life journey.

    She lives in South Dakota now and is able to find lots of examples of the stuff in flea markets and antique malls. Here I can't find much at all in stores.
    But, eBay...what a treasure trove.

    I was amazed to find so many odd pieces of colored aluminum available. I was really only aware of the tumblers and coasters but now, bless eBay, I have ice buckets, jelly jars shaped like apples and pears, lazy susans, martini shakers, vases, serving trays, etc etc. I have to control myself to stay in any kind of budget.

    Just this week a set of corn holders, still in the original box, 4 colors, appeared. Unfortunately they went pretty high. Part of the quest, I've convinced myself, is getting a *deal*. But when that girl gets out of college.....I may splurge. I stay on an arbitrary budget for myself but every year at Christmas and birthday's I hunt for something special for my friend, thereby justifying a higher price.

    See, I've gone nuts talking on the subject. Better hush.

    Do you have an eBay thing?

  2. I have a MAJOR eBay thing. In fact, it's becoming an obsession. Almost anything in the whole world you want is out there just waiting, all shiny and cheap... It's too tempting. I love junktiquing anyway, and it's like the world's largest junktique shop.

    I also like Ruby Lane as an alternative to the auction thing. Sometimes it gets really depressing to loose repeatedly. Ruby Lane is like a big store and their prices are pretty good, too. It's a collection of antique/junk dealers and you can search their stores.

    Incidentally, I ran colored alumninum through their search engine and came up with several items, so you might want to check it out. I don't know if their prices are good or not, but it's another place to enjoy looking.


And then you said.....