Monday, June 26, 2006

Not Much to Say

Today was an odds-and-ends day. I finished out some paperwork for the classes I'll be taking in the fall, filed some stuff, and contacted some people about the various conferences I have to go to next month.

When it cooled off some outside, I went out and started the process of trying to reclaim one of the shrubs in my yard from the muscadine vines that have invaded it. It took me about an hour and a half, but I got a tunnel cut between the privet hedge/muscadine thicket and the thorny apple I'm trying to save. I will have to get Dad's truck and stand in the bed with a saw to cut the rest of it, and that may be more than I get done in the next few precious days of freedom before the rush toward the school year begins.

I did other pruning, too. I finally bought a set of bypass pruners, so I was able to take some large limbs off the chestnut tree and one of the cedars that had gotten out of control. There wasn't a whole lot else to do. I can't really mow since everything is so dry, so I have bahaia sprigs everywhere. I hate bahaia grass. It makes me sneeze and it looks so ugly in my yard.

I'm going to start reading some of the old Conan stories tonight. I borrowed the books from Dad, and we'll see how it goes. I have been doing some online research about Howard, too, and I find it interesting that I have discovered him 100 years after he was born. This is the anniversary year.

Well, as the title said, there wasn't much that was exciting to relate today. It was just an ordinary day. Those are nice to have sometimes.

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