Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Blue Eagle Returns

After a frustrating afternoon of trying to install my doc cam and not being able to do it (why, oh why won't that USB connection error stop???), I came home expecting a very lackluster evening.  There was a minor moment of excitement and curiosity due to a large and unusual piece of telephone company equipment parked in my pasture.  They're laying new phone line here, and if you've never seen the machine they use to do that, it's really sort of fascinating.  I had no idea it kind of  injects the line into the ground.  They're working now, in fact.  I think I may go out and watch them in awhile.  How often does that happen, after all?

I opened my mailbox once that minor mystery was resolved and gathered what was there.  In it was a small, flat, red, white, and blue USPS mailer envelope.  I was instantly happy.  There was only one thing that could be that size:  my passport.  I had applied for my renewal the last week of January, and just that act had been refreshing to my soul.  I hadn't realized how much I missed just knowing it was sitting there, safely waiting for me to grab it and head off somewhere. 

My passport had expired several years ago, but I hadn't gotten it renewed because I hadn't had an immediate travel need for it.  I should have realized that just having it there was a type of need.  There is a calmness that comes from knowing that if a trip comes up, I can go.  If I decide at some point for some reason to go abroad, the biggest legal hurdle, that official document, is already secured.

It frees up my daydreaming, and apparently something in my subconscious mind as well because I dreamed of moving away last night.  The place I moved to was a mixture of Japan and Ireland, all mountains, sea, and verdant everywhere I looked.  I don't know exactly what place my brain was cooking up, but it was gorgeous and full of peace and wonder.  Maybe having the passport will be a ticket back to the land of dreaming if nothing else.

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And then you said.....