Saturday, October 16, 2010


I went in fasting this morning to get some bloodwork done, and after I stumbled out of the clinic and drove through Chick-Fil-A to get some juice and a biscuit so I wouldn't be quite so goofy anymore, I went to our local OfficeThing to take care of a massive purchase order and to get some stuff for myself with a reward certificate from their teacher cash-back program. 

I have been using Windows 7 on the new laptop the school got for us, and I really like it.  My home desktop came with Vista, and it has been a mostly crap experience.  I haven't had many of the serious issues I have heard others complain of, but I haven't used that machine very much because of the little things.  They've added up to my using my netbook instead when the screen is larger in the back and the printer is actually attached to the desktop in the back.  I also need 7 to get all the Home Networking stuff set up because Vista has never been able to manage that well.  There has always been it. 

After getting my 600 folders with my purchase order (don't ask), I checked on upgrading my netbook to 7 (no go), and came home to upgrade the desktop.  Now, something like nine hours later, I'm still trying to finish it up.  I really hate doing upgrades.  It's ridiculous.  Nothing should take this long.  The OS upgrade itself took about three hours.  I just gave up and went to take a nap.  It did its thing and I got some much-needed rest.  When I got up, it was waiting for the product key.  It was much less frustrating that way.

I should have done that for my attempt at upgrading Office, too.  I wanted to upgrade 2007 to 2010, but after three attempts, I'm quitting.  There's some error that is probably going to require a clean install and I'm just not up for that tonight.  Some things are too much, you know, and 2007 has been a stable and good version for me.  It's just frustrating that these things can't be easier. 

I still have some cleanup work to do on the desktop.  Now that 7 is running, some programs I needed for Vista are redundant, so I want to uninstall them.  I also need to "tweak it out" like I always do and get my home network set up to see if I can share files easily between my work laptop and my big desktop in the back.  That will make life tremendously easier for me. 

Days like today reinforce my knowledge that I could never be a tech.  Just the waiting alone would do me in.  The silly error messages added on top of that would have me smashing stuff right left and center.  I'm glad there are people out there who can do this stuff all day every day, but I'm not one of them.

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