Monday, August 03, 2009

De Stijl

I haven't blogged this disc before, and I really should have, I guess. It's late, it's "spinning" in iTunes, and I'm blown away by how much I love some of these songs. I've been listening to it all day, driving here and there doing errands, and each time it's rotated through, I find something else to appreciate.

The blues songs such as "Death Letter" make me want to dance and drive too fast (not at the same time), sure indicators of good blues to me. Anything that makes me want to throw my head back in the car, sing at the top of my lungs, and flirt with a traffic ticket is good music.

One of my favorites for the sweetness of the words is "Apple Blossom." The whole song, music and lyrics are perfect to me. They're exactly what I'd like someone to say to me sometime, full of love. I love the slightly out-of-tune piano in the background, too. It reminds me of something old-fashioned for some reason.

In the same way, I love "Truth Doesn't Make a Noise." I could be that girl in that song for so many reasons. I just haven't ever found anybody who felt like the writer of that song about me. Even though the song is short, it's powerful to me. This is the music of true romance, as in warriors taking up arms to defeat insurmountable opposition. (This may be because I am an English teacher and I see archetypes hiding under every shrub and bush.) I appreciate the genuine emotion and, as always, the stripped-down power of the lyrics.

Well, as far as reviews go, this one is by far the least technical and sophisticated ever written, I'm sure. Even by my standards, it's pretty weak. I just didn't want to forget to at least mention how much I'm enjoying this music at this specific moment.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you found something here you like. It's good to know there's somebody out there. I'm glad you wrote, and I hope you'll comment again.


And then you said.....