Friday, August 21, 2009

Moving Back In

Our school has been in renovation all summer, and we can now move our stuff back in. Yesterday was the first time I've seen my classroom since the remodeling began, and I was a little nervous about what it would look like, what the school as a whole would be like now. Our building is quite old, built in the early decades of the last century, and it has a solidity and old-fashioned presence that I was afraid might have been lost.

The renovation is wonderful. Everything that was tattered and ragged has been refreshed, and nothing that makes our building warm and charming has been removed. The floors are lovely, the lowered ceilings both reflect more light and hide the ugliness of conduits and duct work that was exposed before, and all the woodwork had been refurbished.

In my classroom, the floor has been replaced with light-colored tiles, and the effect is startling. My classroom has lots of windows, so there has always been a lot of light, but now, with this new floor, the space looks so much bigger. It's wonderful. I spent three hours yesterday trying to rearrange the big pieces of furniture to decide where they should go. I think I have the basics in place now. All that remains is dragging all the many, many boxes here at the house back to school.

It's good to see the place looking so nice. I hope that when our students return, they will take pride in what they see as well. Maybe this can be a fresh start for all of us, the start of a strong new era for our school.

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And then you said.....