Monday, August 17, 2009

The Novelty of It All

This weekend, I got an unexpected gift from my uncle. He gave me a check when I went to see him. The money was only a tiny portion of what he actually gave me, though. It just keeps rippling forward. I don't know how to express the fullness of what he actually handed me Saturday.

He handed me the ability to walk into the business office of the hospital today and walk out without the albatross of debt around my neck. I didn't pay all the accounts off, but I paid off four out of the five hospital accounts that had sprung up in their arcane and hellish billing since my ACL surgery. I practically skipped out to the parking lot I felt so good. Instead of spending months staring at ever-increasing stacks of paper and trying to figure out how to rob Peter to pay Paul, I actually might be able to pay it all off.

I even had enough money to go to the grocery store and buy something other than survival rations for once. I walked up and down the aisles, bought refills for my air freshener, and got two kinds of ice cream sandwiches. Luxury, luxury, luxury.

The last thing I'm going to do with my gift is get a DVR, something lasting to keep. I've been wanting one for a long time because I am so rarely home to watch the things I enjoy. It seems I am always leaving when the things I want to see are coming on. It's also the case that with this, I can remember his gift every time I use it.

The gift was a gift far beyond just simple money. He gave me relief from the things that were presently plaguing me and comfort and enjoyment for the future. I am so grateful to him. I feel more relaxed right now than I have in months.

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And then you said.....