Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

(Or, There Are Some Kinds of Fool Not to Be)

Don't you hate it when you realize that you're doing something more than a little unwise?

It sneaks up on you.  You're not really paying attention.  You're in the middle of your day-to-day routine, and suddenly it hits you like a hammer right between the eyes.  It could be something you do or don't, a relationship you're pursuing or running away from, a way of eating, a pattern of thought, a work ethic or lack thereof, a spending habit.

Then you have to have that moment of self-assessment, of measuring and weighing, of getting it back between the white lines again.  You have to drag your hands through your hair, ask yourself those "What WERE you thinking, or WERE you thinking at all?" questions, and realign your personal universe in proportion with whatever the silliness you were participating was.

After that, you have to hold the reins of the wayward mind tightly, keep it from jumping fences and rolling in clover, from running away and getting into trouble.  Discipline is required.

It would be easier and possibly more pleasurable to let it run, but sooner or later, disaster always strikes.  It's better to play it safe.  Stupidity leads to tragedy.  I have the scars to prove it, on my body, on my mind, on my heart.  Smart is the way to go.  There are some things that are just stupid, and the wise lay them down gently and walk away before they wake to find  cannot put them down at all.

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And then you said.....