Monday, January 03, 2005

A beginning

"Once the grammar has been learned [writing] is simply talking on paper and in time learning what not to say." -- Beryl Bainbridge

To tell the truth, I'm not exactly sure what is driving me to do this. I have never been able to be faithful to a journal, and quite likely, this will turn into another abandoned brain-child wandering the internet and begging for attention from those more conscientious than myself. Even though I know this about myself, I still feel this need to create this blog. Maybe there's some smarmy, trite part of me that is trying to "reach out" across the web for...understanding? ....sympathy?....a sense of connection to the world brought into my living room via fiberoptic cable? Probably all of those things.

It could be another form of talking to myself aloud. Don't call in the men in white coats just yet. Bear with me. Haven't you ever worked through a problem aloud? Many times, when I have a problem I cannot solve, kicking it around out loud helps me work through the subtleties of it, even if it only helps me blow off enough steam to see things more rationally. My cats are wise listeners; granted, they're not much help with answers, but perhaps this is only more of the same...talking into the darkness. I guess with this, there's always the chance the darkness will speak back.

I think I'll keep this first posting short. I promise without a doubt that this blog will be totally random in its topics. I imagine that most of my postings will start with a quotation, as I'm very, very fond of them, despite all Emerson's well-meaning admonitions against them. Hopefully there will be another posting tomorrow. I'd hate to abandon it that prematurely.....

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And then you said.....