Wednesday, August 08, 2007

And So It Goes

I am cautiously optimistic so far. I hate to even say that because it's practically begging for problems, but it's true.

Today I walked all my classes through a poetry analysis technique and the juniors just blew me away. They actually knew what to do without me telling them. They'd had it last year. Since they've got a good foundation, I can build on it faster and higher than I've been able to do in previous years. They seem like they're going to be a good bunch.

I'm still getting to know my seniors, AP and otherwise. They seem like good classes, but we have to wait until the new gets worn off a bit more to be sure. Some of them I know, some of them I don't. I feel good about them, too, though.

In a non-school-related note, I got my set of Elvis Pez today. YES!!! Mom found them in a miscellaneous grocery store in town and called me. It's sad when your whole family knows you're hunting PEZ, probably, but who cares? I have a set.

Well, yawning is becoming very frequent and Ghost Hunters is almost over, so I think it's almost beddy-bye time for me.

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And then you said.....