Friday, September 14, 2007

Doe, a Deer, a Female Deer.....

After fifteen years of driving in the state of Mississippi, I hit my first deer tonight. Coming home from my parents' house, I rounded a curve to find a deer standing right in the middle of the road. It started for the passenger's side edge of the road, and I swerved into the other lane and honked my horn. Apparently that was the WRONG thing to do because it turned around and smashed itself into the passenger's side of my car.

I pulled over to the side of the road and called Mom and Dad. I wasn't afraid of damage to the car, but I was afraid that the deer was lying by the side of the road dying an agonizing death. There are many things that I can do for myself, but killing a deer is not among those things. Dad came and we looked all along the edges of the road, but we didn't see anything. I hope the deer lives, but if it shares some of the headache it gave me, I won't call that an injustice, especially since the whole collision was its idea anyway.

As deer-related incidents go, it wasn't a bad one. Like so many other things that happen to me, I guess I can say about this that if I had to have a wreck involving a deer, this was the one to have. However, could I just petition for a brief moment? Do I have to have a wreck with a deer at all?

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And then you said.....